🔮 Welcome! Here you will find some prompts, questions, things to explore etc. There is no wrong way to go about reflection, the act of reflecting is the important part.

🦋 The thing that can be really toxic about New Years Resolutions is that they are often born of an intention to burn down what existed before in order to make space for this new version of ourselves that might not actually be what we really want or how we want it. The best way that I have found to avoid this is to take into account who I am, my actual life circumstances and put any branches of growth that I am interested in within those contexts. So it's no longer a burning down of a tree in order to plant a new one but a growth of a new branch on the same trusty tree.

🧡 MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE I AM A NEW YEARS BABY, but I love making space for self reflection and growth. This doesn't mean we suddenly become a new person, but instead we take what we have experienced this year as information to help shape where we want to go in the next.

🖼️ THIS IS MY GIFT TO YOU! I hope you take this and run with it. Find ways to use this to check in with yourself more regularly if you can.

🍋 There are no resolutions here, no new years goals, instead this is just a space to explore what has been in order to better understand and dream about what can be.

STEP 1: BOOKMARK THIS PAGE! That way you can access this whenever you want!



One of the things that started clarifying what choices I made was getting clear on what my most important values are and why. There are so many exercises out there to sort this out, I got clear on it through writing and rewriting my artist statements. But for you the best way to do this is to just think about what is important. What is at the center of everything you do?

I like to narrow my list down to 5 and here are some examples for me- your list might look different or have a different focus:

🧡 HOW CAN THIS INFORM YOU? When I got clear about what my central values were it became much easier for me to center my choices. Not only does it help me to say yes to certain things, it can also help me understand why I might say yes even if it goes against other values. For example if I say yes to a project that pays well but will distract me from my personal painting practice for a solid period of time. I am putting my family and financial health first in that decision.

There are so many different types of values, and I cannot tell you what yours are or how to go about finding them. Maybe you do the freewrites below and they start to crystalize, maybe you already know them! The other thing to know is that just like anything else, they will shift and grow and might even change over time. The only way to know if this happens is to spend time trying to name them in the first place.


You can do one or all of these, just use the questions as a starting point



Now What?

I find it is even more helpful to take this a little further by being clear about what my focus was over the last year (or month or whatever time period you are using this for) so I can be clear about what my focus will be moving forward.

Make a list.

What things are standing out to you?

Some things can be out of our control.

Did you spend a lot of the last year moving and nesting in your new space? Maybe you had a sick family member so you spent a good amount of time caretaking?